About Rabbi Lakein

Rabbi Diane Tiferet Lakein holds a B.A. from Princeton University in East Asian Studies and International Politics, an M.A. in anthropology – with a certificate in Women’s Studies – from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a Masters of Jewish Education from Hebrew College.

Born in San Francisco, she spent time in Stockholm, Sweden as a child (1975-1981) and in Beijing, China as an undergraduate student (1985-1987). She moved to Germany in the mid-1990s and has lived there ever since. She was ordained in January 2017 by ALEPH – Alliance for Jewish Renewal in Broomfield, CO, USA.

Rabbi Diane Tiferet currently serves two liberal communities: Chawurah Gescher in Freiburg, Germany, and Migwan in Basel, Switzerland – and is the mother of two daughters.