Sukkat Shalom’s youth education program is called Mitsva Power. Its mission is to offer students, and their families, an access point to their Jewish heritage.
The program was launched in fall 2020 and currently has three age groups: 7-9, 9-11, and b’mitzvah (11-13). The syllabus centers on the three pillars of Judaism: torah, avodah (prayer) and gmilut chasidim (good deeds). With the help of curricula from the United States, Mitkadem (Hebrew studies program) och Chai (Jewish studies program) from Berhman House), our students get a strong foundation in Hebrew, and explore Jewish texts and Jewish values. In general, the program provides families an experiential Jewish education in a contemporary context.
Since many of the students’ families have family members or close family friends that are not Jewish, the program addresses students’ Jewish identity in a multi-cultural and multi-religious context. In other words, the program aims to enrich and strengthen students’ Jewish identity and knowledge within this diverse context.
The program meets once a week for two hours. For b’mitzvah level students, they must attend at least two full terms before their b’mitsva ceremony.
Mitsva Power students also participate in the Judiska Församlingen i Stockholm (JFST) Bejachad program. See information here: Bejachad
Please note: currently, fall 2023, Mitsva Power has reached its maximum capacity (20 b’mitzvah students, and 12 students in younger age groups).
All instruction is in Swedish.
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