Progressive Judaism in Stockholm

Welcome to PJS!

Progressive Judaism in Stockholm (PJS) is the progressive branch (liberal/reform/reconstructionist) of Judaism, within the Jewish Community of Stockholm. PJS’s Kehila*, Sukkat Shalom, usually offers Shabbat morning services twice a month, and occasional Kabbalat Shabbat services on Fridays, often followed by a potluck dinner. In addition to religious services, we offer Torah studies, adult education, and other activities during the Jewish year, such as a Pesach seder, and High Holiday events in the fall, all with a very progressive flavor. During the services we use our own siddur, Kol Haneshama. PJS also has a very popular B’mitsvah course for our young people, we call it Mitzvah Power. Since 2023, PJS has had its own part-time rabbi, Rabbi Rebecca Lillan.

Click here to access a list of all our planned events for the upcoming season.

During these difficult times, it is very important that you register for each activity you want to participate in. This is partly about the security situation, but also helps us to plan and carry out our activities, as well as the ability to communicate any changes to an activity that you have signed up for.

You can go to About PJS to find out more about us. Or to About Progressive Judaism to learn more about that. If you are interested in becoming a member of PJS go to Become a Member. Mitsva Power is described in more detail at Education Program. And more information about our siddur is at Siddur Kol Haneshama.

We look forward to meeting you.

*Kehila is the Hebrew word for community.