Become a member

A progressive alternative?

Today, Stockholm has three synagogues – two traditional and one conservative, all of which are part of the Jewish Community in Stockholm (Judiska Församlingen i Stockholm). There are four rabbis; two traditional (of which one is independent in Chabad), one conservative, as well as one progressive. Progressiv Judendom i Stockholm is an independent association run by volunteers, with financial support from the Jewish Community for our religious activities.

Being a member of the association Progressiv Judendom i Stockholm (PJS) and the Judiska Församlingen i Stockholm (JFST) are two separate things. The Jewish Community in Stockholm finances the largest part of PJS’s activities; rent for premises, fees for musicians and teachers, our progressive rabbi’s salary, etc. PJS membership fees only cover minor expenses for ongoing activities. However, we are dependent on those membership fees to be able to organize activities and religious services.

If you want progressive Judaism to gain a stronger position in the Jewish community or if you yourself would like to participate in and develop our activities – show your support and interest by becoming a paying member!

If you wish to become a new member of Progressiv Judendom i Stockholm,
you can register your information HERE.
You pay the membership fee only after you register and have been contacted.

Membership fees for 2024!
Member of the Jewish Community of Stockholm
250:- per person over 18
350:- per person over 18

Pay to: Plusgiro 161 65 39–1  or  Swish:  123 546 8376
Write “Member 2024” and your name together with the payment.

You can also find us on our Facebook page
Progressiv Judendom i Stockholm