The World Union for Progressive Judaism
The World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ), established in London in 1926, is the international network of the Reform, Liberal, Progressive and Reconstructionist movements, serving 1,200 congregations with 1.8 million members in more than 50 countries.
European Union for Progressive Judaism
The EUPJ works to foster and stimulate the growth of Progressive Judaism throughout Europe. It is the umbrella organisation linking more than 170 Liberal, Progressive and Reform communities in 17 countries and unites Jews who want a non-fundamentalist, inclusive, egalitarian and modern interpretation of Judaism.
The Union for Reform Judaism
The synagogue organization for Reform Judaism in the United States.
”Our Judaism is for everyone. It is egalitarian, intellectually rigorous, joyful, spiritual, pluralistic, and constantly evolving.”
Leo Baeck College – Centre for Jewish Education
Leo Baeck College provides the future leadership of the Progressive Jewish community in the UK, Europe, FSU, Australia, South Africa and worldwide by training rabbis and teachers.
Abraham Geiger College, Potsdam
Abraham Geiger is the first liberal rabbinical seminary in Continental Europe since the Shoah. The seminary at the University of Potsdam in Germany is named after Abraham Geiger (1810– 1874), a German Reform-oriented rabbi and scholar.
Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion
The educational and intellectual center of Reform Judaism.
Shir Hatzafon
Shir Hatzafon is a progressive Jewish congregation in Copenhagen. The words Shir Hatzafon are Hebrew and mean “Song of the North.” Our purpose is to promote and support the development of a Progressive Jewish community in Denmark.
Judiska Församlingen i Stockholm
Judiska Församlingen i Stockholm bedriver en bred verksamhet. Vi arbetar aktivt för att tillvarata medlemmarnas intressen inom social service, kulturella evenemang, program för ungdomar, informell utbildning, religiösa aktiviteter och gudstjänster
Här möter vårt folks historia och tradition sin samtid men blickar nyfiket in i framtiden. Platsen ska förmedla passion för kunskap, lärande och ifrågasättande genom en spännande mix av utbildning, kultur och aktiviteter.
Paideia – The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden
Paideia’s mission is to actively promote the renewal and flourishing of European Jewish cultural and intellectual life in the wake of the Holocaust and to support cultural diversity and to disseminate humanistic values. Dedicated to the revival of Jewish culture in Europe, Paideia educates leaders for Europe.
Paideia Folkhögskola
Paideia folkhögskola är Sveriges första folkhögskola med judisk profil.
Judiska Vänföreningen
Judiska Vänföreningen är en fristående vänförening vars främsta syfte är att sprida information och kunskap om det judiska livet i Sverige.
